Anti Wrinkle Home Treatments

Women have been trying to banish lines and wrinkles all through the centuries and some popular anti wrinkle home remedies can be found all over the world. We have not tested these remedies so cannot vouch that they work! They are much cheaper than products in the shops however and safe so why not give them a try? Always take care when using any of these preparations around the eyes.
  • Coconut oil massaged into the face before bed

  • Apply a mixture of cream, olive oil and honey to the face

  • Lemon juice applied several times a day

  • Rubbing the face with the inside core of a pineaapple

  • Mix sugarcane and turmeric powder into a paste and apply to the skin

  • Massaging with castor oil

  • Mix together a teaspoon of honey, a teaspoon of vodka and half a tablespoon of fennel seeds and leave to soak for two to three days. Strain out the seeds and use to tone the skin.

  • Use the juice of apples or green pineapples on the face daily

  • Blend cucumbers, sieve and apply to the face. Leave on for about 30 mins then wash off with warm water

  • Simmer rosemary leaves in water for half an hour then add half as much brandy. Leave to soak for a few hours then strain and use on the skin

Some lifestyle tips to prevent wrinkles

  • Do not smoke or drink alcohol in excess

  • Eat foods that contain vitamin A, C and E such as whole wheat, chicken, eggs and beef.

  • Always use sunscreen
If you have any more home remedies for wrinkles please share it with us by leaving a comment in the box below.

1 comment:

  1. You cannot completely avoid wrinkles without plastic surgery. However, by following certain best remedies available at our homes, you can reduce the amount of wrinkles and firm-up your skin to look a lot younger.
    Anti-wrinkle creams containing natural ingredients are the best remedy for moving from “wrinkled” to “youthful”.
